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Most people know that IQ stands for intelligence quotient and refers to intellectual ability.However, only a few people know or are willing to accept that IQ does indeed influence a wide range of real-world outcomes, such as job performance and career success. One of the main reasons for this is that a higher IQ allows people to learn and solve new problems more quickly. While IQ tests may seem quite abstract and more focused on numerical and logical reasoning, they are actually powerful tools for predicting our ability to manage complexity. In fact, IQ is a stronger predictor of performance on complex tasks than it is for simple task performance.
In complex environments, there is more information to process, resulting in a greater cognitive load that requires more brain power and deep thinking; we cannot manipulate systems by intuition alone.IQ measures this cognitive load, much like megabytes or processing speed measure the capabilities of a computer. Not surprisingly, IQ is significantly correlated with working memory, which is our ability to process diverse pieces of temporary information immediately. You can assess your IQ by trying to remember a phone number while asking for directions and remembering your grocery list simultaneously. (Unfortunately, research suggests that while there is some evidence to suggest that working memory training delays cognitive decline in older adults according to the “use it or lose it” theory, it does not enhance our long-term ability to manage complexity.)


EQ stands for emotional quotient and involves our ability to perceive, control, and express emotions.EQ is related to managing complexity in three main ways.

First, individuals with higher EQ are less easily affected by stress and anxiety. As complex situations often involve broad implications and higher demands, they are likely to induce stress and tension, and higher EQ acts as a buffer against these effects.

Second, EQ is an integral part of interpersonal skills, meaning that individuals with higher EQ can better navigate complex office politics and strive for career advancement. Indeed, even in today’s hyper-connected world, most employers seek not technical skills as much as soft skills, especially for management and leadership positions.

Lastly, individuals with higher EQ are often more entrepreneurial, and hence more likely to seek opportunities, take risks, and translate innovative ideas into practice. All of these aspects make EQ an important quality for integration in uncertain, unpredictable, and complex environments.


CQ stands for curiosity quotient, meaning having an ever-curious mind.Individuals with higher CQ are more open to new experiences, more curious, find novelty exciting, and quickly become bored with routine. They tend to generate a lot of original ideas and are mavericks. Although research on CQ is not as extensive as that on EQ and IQ, there is evidence to suggest that in terms of managing complexity, it is equally important.

First, individuals with higher CQ tend to be more tolerant of ambiguity. This nuanced, complex, and subtle way of thinking precisely defines the essence of complexity.

Second, CQ leads to prolonged and more extensive intellectual investment and knowledge acquisition, especially in traditional areas of education, such as science and the arts (note: this is different from measuring innate intelligence levels as reflected by IQ). Knowledge and expertise, like experience, transform complex situations into familiar ones, and CQ is the ace up the sleeve for providing simple answers to complex problems.

While IQ is difficult to enhance through training, both EQ and CQ can be gradually strengthened. As Albert Einstein once said, “I have no special talents, I am just passionately curious.”
Keywords: self-management psychology

by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic | Translated by: Yiyuan Ye | Edited by: Anna Smith

Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic is the Chief Talent Scientist at ManpowerGroup, a business psychology professor at University College London and Columbia University, and an assistant research professor at the Harvard University Entrepreneurial Finance Lab.

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