每日一个单词 | flow(动词)

高中 CET4 CET6 考研

英[fləʊ] 美[floʊ]


1. “I have been preparing for two years for the Tokyo Paralympics. I believe that my hard work will not go to waste,” she said. “I feel happy to be able to make my dream come true.”



2. Troops would patrol major roads to ensure that traffic flows freely throughout the country.



3. Her hair fell down over her shoulders.



4. Fear and excitement suddenly came over me.





1. (of liquid, gas, or electricity) to move steadily and continuously in one direction

2. (of people or things) to move or pass continuously from one place or person to another, especially in large numbers or amounts

3. to hang loosely and freely

4. to be strongly felt by somebody




3. 自由而悠然地悬挂

4. 给某人带来深刻的感受


bleed: to lose blood, especially from a wound or an injury

flush: (指人或面部)变红,尤指因为尴尬、愤怒或热 ☞ to make somebody’s face become red

spill: (尤指液体)在容器外洒出,使…洒出

leak: to allow liquid or gas to get in or out through a small hole


1. 下边这句话中的flow表示什么?

The current flows into electric motors that drive the wheels.

2. 你能否准确翻译出这句话的含义?试一试,在留言区写下来吧!

3. 你对哪个词还有兴趣?留言告诉我们吧!
