从三个角度解读“奉献精神”:devotion, commitment & dedication (修改后)
想要表达“奉献精神”,英语中可以用 devotion, commitment 和 dedication 这三个词,但它们之间存在着微妙的差别。
1. devotion: 深沉的爱与奉献
Devotion 作为不可数名词,表达的是一种深沉的爱与奉献,往往带有强烈的感情色彩。
“My grandfather is remembered for his lifelong devotion to his family.” (我的祖父一生对家庭勤勤恳恳,他对家人的关爱被人怀念。) 这句话中的 devotion 体现了祖父对家人长久而深沉的爱。
“Beethoven’s painstaking devotion to this symphony has inspired many musicians who came after him.” (贝多芬为这组交响曲呕心沥血,他的这种专注启发了很多后来的音乐家们。) 这句话则强调了贝多芬创作时倾注的巨大热情和心血。
2. commitment: 责任、承诺与奉献
Commitment 含义丰富,既可以指具体的“义务、任务”,也可以表达抽象的“承诺、奉献”。
义务和责任: “How do you balance your family and work commitments?” (你是怎样协调家庭和工作义务之间的平衡的?)
感情上的承诺: “John has some serious commitment issues.” (约翰很害怕在感情上做出承诺。)
忠诚: “The player has reaffirmed his commitment to the local team.” (这位运动员再次声明他效忠于这支当地的队伍。)
全身心投入: “On behalf of the department, I would like to thank you for your commitment.” (我代表部门对你的奉献表示由衷感谢。)
Commitment 和 dedication 都可以表示“奉献”,但 commitment 更侧重于“出于责任和承诺的付出”。
3. dedication: 坚持不懈的奉献
Dedication 强调为某一目标或事业所付出持久的努力和贡献, 体现出“兢兢业业、无私奉献”的精神。
“Winning a game means 10% teamwork, 10% talent and 80% dedication,” says the coach. (教练说:“要想赢得一场比赛,需要10%的团队协作,10%的天分和80%的全身心投入。)
“Without the dedication of many scientists and researchers, millions of lives would have been lost.” (如果没有这么多科学家和研究者的奉献,成百上千万个生命就会不复存在。)
总而言之: devotion, commitment 和 dedication 三个词都可以表达“奉献精神”,但它们在感情色彩、侧重点上有所不同。 Devotion 强调深沉的爱与奉献,commitment 更侧重于出于责任和承诺的付出,而 dedication 则强调为某一目标所付出持久的努力和贡献。